Deportations of Young Children from Sweden.

A particularly gruesome facet of the Swedish system is it practise of deporting young children alone. This pattern of abuse against defenceless young children unmasks the true face of Sweden as a humanitarian fraud. Cold blooded bureaucratic RACISM cynically disguised as "rule of law". 


Sweden cultivates a fake humanitarian image internationally in order to derive business and diplomatic advantage from it. In reality the facade wears thin upon close scrutiny. If there was justice in this world Sweden would be expelled from the UNHCR 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol. In addition Sweden should be subjected to punitive economic sanctions for its deliberate refoulement and racist deportation practices. 


Note that before the Ukraine war, Sweden routinely deported Trans-sexuals and Chechens back to Putin's Russia. The case of a Chechen woman  was covered in the film Förvaret (2015). I have posted earlier about the case of Trans-sexuals.