Evidence that United States Interpol LIED about my identity in 2020, 2023.

There is a concerted effort to associate my biomeric information with that of a person in Venezuela who has a similar name but a different birth date and who has never been issued a Venezuelan passport and has never traveled out of  that country. 

My birth name is Andres Nicolas Moran, not "Andres Nicolas Moron Ponce" and I was born in Florida in March 1975, not at Venezuela in "1973".

I can safely and publicly state these facts because I am now safe from the possibility of refoulment.


About Fabricated Allegations connecting Me to Venezuela or Mexico.

Good Afternoon,

Background: On the 30th of June 2023 I sent a statement by email to Migrationsverket at Åstorp and copied it to my attorney titled "Beteckningsnummer: 1******9 / The Reason I will not meet with or talk with Border Police". On July 26th I sent a statement by email to Migrationsverket at Åstorp and copied to my attorney titled "July 31, 2023 Statement". The present is a follow up to the previously cited and includes my detailed reply to claims that I am allegedly from "Venezuela" or "Mexico". I want the following statement to be added to the record (beteckningsnummer: 1******9). IN VERBATIM. IN ENGLISH. An English copy and a translation into Spanish have been forwarded to the Justice Ministry of the Republic of Cuba.

Information about my identity sourced to United States Interpol in 2023 is not accurate. (1) I have been subjected to a systematic and longstanding campaign of libel and defamation conducted against me on the Interpol system since 2007 with full collusion of Swedish Interpol and migrationsverket (in violation of the Swedish law against defamation). (2) The Swedish Border Police take false allegations about my identity made in context of Interpol (recycled by Customs and Border Protection), as "factual"  without demanding to see concrete evidence to back up the allegations.
Under the circumstances, only a State of Florida issued certificate of birth could be construed as concrete and incontrovertible evidence of my identity.

Information about me in United States Interpol reports from 2020 and 2023 is contradictory and incoherent. My bio metric information is apparently being linked to a number of different persons with similar names. 

(Source: Report from United States INTERPOL, Ref: 20120621589/DHE Subject: IP-2020-008406).  

*** In case the Interpol records related to inquiries into my identity made since 2016 by Swedish Interpol have been redacted or altered in any way; I have taken screenshots of all these documents as they stood on February 2023 and had copies forwarded to The Cuban Justice Ministry. Cuba Interpol also has them.

*It is a fact that I resided in Florida from my birth there in March 1975 until I moved to Pennsylvania in October 1997 under the name Andres Nicolas Moran. 

The allegation from United States Interpol in 2020/23 that my name is allegedly  "Andres Nicolas Moron Ponce" and/or "Moron Ponce, Andres Nicolas" is a long standing recycled LIE that has been dismissed as having no basis in evidence at least in two occasions in Sweden: (a) In 2007 the allegation was made by the United States in context of an extradition proceeding before a court in Karlstad, Sweden. The court dismissed the allegation made by United States about my identity for lack of evidence. The court in Karlstad also denied the extradition request citing lack of evidence (video, photographic) about the criminal allegations made, credible danger of being subjected to re-foulement, as well as expiration of statue of limitations provisions. (2) In 2012 the Swedish Rikskriminalpolisen made an investigation into my identity based on bio metric data (fingerprints) collected from me using forensic methods specially for this purpose. The conclusion was that the nationality of "Moron Ponce, Andres Nicolas" born on "March 27, 1975" was "unknown". ***(See attached screenshot file to view the investigation conclusion). Nothing was found by the Rikskriminalpolisen associating the said name or my bio metrics to "1973".

Only the United States claims that my name is "Andres Nicolas Moron Ponce" and/or "Moron Ponce, Andres Nicolas" allegedly born in "1973" in "Venezuela". MY LAST NAME IS MORAN NOT "MORON PONCE" . The association between my bio metric information and innacurate identity data on their databases since 2007 has no basis in evidence.

The persistent effort by United States and Swedish Interpol to force the Venezuelans between 2016 and 2022 to produce an association of my bio metric data to the information they and the United States Interpol want it associated with was unsuccessful (see Venezuela Interpol reports above) . Now that the effort to associate me with Venezuela failed, they are trying to artificially associate me with Mexico, again without one shred of concrete evidence. 


Thank you.


Miguel Angel Torres

[Andres Nicolas Moran] 

Migrationsverket and Swedish Gränspolisen deleted my 2007 case files and destroyed evidence to sanitize the record...

The 2007 Statement: Information the Swedish Border Police (Gränspolisen) and Migrationsverket want to suppress about my case. Migrationsverket deleted all the files related to the application for asylum I filed in 2007 in an effort to sanitize the record and destroy evidence that corrabrates my side of it as well as the fact that I was entitled to have the permit in 2007 but Migrationsverket refused to grant it at the request of the United States. Today the Gränspolisen chooses to pretend that my history in Sweden begins in 2012 when in fact it begun in 2001. This is a clear example of how Migrationsverket lies. 


Polisrapport om undersökningen av min identitet 2012

God morgon,

Jag tänkte att ni kanske ville titta på det här dokumentet. Jag fick det av min advokat 2012 när Rikskriminalpolisen gjorde en utredning om min identitet. Jag greps i juni 2012 av gränspolisen efter att socialen hade meddelat dem att en papperslös person hade ansökt om hjälp. De kom för att gripa mig i som var min officiella adress i 2012. 

Dokumentet bevisar att gränspolisen ljög i protokolet. Deras påstående att jag först sökte asyl 2012 är falskt. Jag sökte asyl i Sverige första gången den 10 juni 2001. I dokumentet nämns också att jag greps den 13 september 2007 eftersom jag var internationellt efterlyst. USA ville utlämna mig.  Utlämningsförhandlingarna ägde rum i domstolsbyggnaden i Karlstad. Domstolen dömde till min fördel mot USA och avslog begäran om utlämning i brist på bevis. Gränspolisen vill i dag radera denna historia från protokollet eftersom den desinformation och de lögner som sprids om mig av USA's Interpol, i fullt samförstånd med svenska Interpol, är en upprepning av samma påståenden som domstolen i Karlstad avvisade 2007. INTERPOL i Stockholm hävdar att amerikansk polis har "bekräftat att jag har begått brott" i det landet. Det är dessa brottsliga påståenden som domstolen i Karlstad inte fann några bevis för. Ingenting är nytt.

Gränspolisen anser att jag är en "kriminell con-man" (och mycket värre) på grund av förtal som sprids om mig på INTERPOL. Under denna förevändning fortsätter de sedan att kränka min rätt till asylhemlighet i strid med FN:s regler och min rätt till oskuldspresumtion i strid med EU:s garantier.

En annan viktig detalj i dokumentet är den korrekta stavningen av namnet Miguel Angel TORRES, med två "R". Efter att domstolen gett mig rätt i utlämningsärendet sattes jag i förvar på förvaret i Flen i slutet av september 2007. Där satt jag till december 2007. Jag fick veta att jag kunde söka asyl, vilket jag gjorde.   Gränspolisen och Migrationsverket stavade efternamnet felaktigt som "Toores" av illvilja och som en taktik för psykiska trakasserier. Under de senaste 16 åren har jag bett om att få rättelse av felstavningen och de vägrar, trots att de vet mycket väl att namnet stavas TORRES.

De strök också medvetet efternamnet för att rättfärdiga att de nekade mig det uppehållstillstånd jag hade rätt till 2007. 
Jag började inte arbeta på att skaffa födelsebevis när jag kontaktade det kubanska konsulatet om detta i 2016 och nu 2023. Eftersom Kuba och USA återupptog de diplomatiska förbindelserna 2016, kontaktade jag Kubansk konsulat för att se om de kunde hjälpa mig att få mitt amerikanska (Florida) födelsebevis i samband med att jag ansökte om politisk asyl med Kuba. 2024 stod det klart att detta inte skulle vara möjligt och fick rådet att söka skydd på annat håll.

Det är en lögn att jag inte har medverkat till att skapa en identitet. Vad jag vägrar att samarbeta med är försök att tvinga mig att acceptera identitetsuppgifter som tillhör andra människor i länder som jag inte kommer ifrån eller falska uppgifter som kommer från USA Interpol / Homeland Security i 2020, 2023. 

Jag har upprepade gånger påmint Migrationsverket och gränspolisen om att jag enligt FN:s regler har rätt att söka asyl utan ID-handlingar. Jag förstår att namnet Miguel Angel Torres redan är juridiskt etablerat som mitt namn eftersom jag har använt det i mer än åtta år i följd (totalt 16 år). Jag skulle kunna leva med detta namn om det stavades korrekt, som i det bifogade dokumentet.  

Tack för din uppmärksamhet,


"Miguel Angel Toores"

[Andres Nicolas Moran] 


The Collapse of My Human Rights Situation in Sweden in 2023.

Complaint Filed on 2023 with UNHCR by Andres Nicolas Moran about abuses he endured in the Swedish Migrant processing and legal system >>>

(The Brief was filed under the alias Jaime Varela Torres for fear of provoking retaliation against people I care about back in Florida. In 2005, the FBI forced one such a person to sign statements under duress in support of criminal allegations attributed to my person fabricated by them. This is why I wrote thst I hsd been an "undocumented migrant" in the United States, so as to deflect attention away from people I care about in Florida and shield them from possible retaliation. In all this I have to factor the possibility of collateral damage impacts upon innocent third parties there.)


*** Article 5 (UNDHR): No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

In 2023 in Sweden I was subjected to a form of psychological torture while detained at the immigrant detention facility in Åstorp, Skåne. I had to undergo six long months of detention and that was a form of psychological torture itself because I live with anxiety disorder. I did receive medication for anxiety and depression at Åstorp; and because of that I was able to more or less cope. However, because of the homophobia of inmates who came from cultures where homosexuality and transexuality are not accepted I lived in fear of being assaulted and that created more anxiety. That background situation of insecurity aggravated the stress created by having to defend myself against the relentless efforts of the Swedish Border Police to refoul me. The Swedish Migration Board does not make provision for LGBTQi+ inmates at their detention facilities and fault for the problems is not with the migrants who come from cultures where homosexuality is forbidden.

I was subjected to degrading treatment in the context of proceedings related to being investigated on suspicion of a minor crime in Malmo in 2023. I was detained in a prison environment, and not a pre-trial detention facility, before being tried; in gross violation of the right to presumption of innocence and the prohibition of unlawful deprivation of liberty. The prosecutor and police engaged in this arbitrary behavior citing an alleged “flight risk” possibility that they did not back with any type of evidence. The panel that heard my appeal on detention was a panel of local Politicians and the prosecutor, not an impartial legal tribunal. That forum was clearly an illegitimate political rubberstamp proceeding lacking any type of judicial credibility. I was transported to and from the remand prison at Ystad in shackles as if I had been a terror or violent murder suspect. This overreach was clearly intended and calculated to be cruel and humiliating. A minor offense does not merit such degrading treatment. Then, after almost one month of being detained in a prison environment before being tried, in gross violation of my civil rights; I was subjected to additional public humiliation in the courtroom by the trial judges who insisted on publicly showing a video of me going to the bathroom. That was deliberate and calculated to humiliate me before everyone in that court. The prosecutor insisted the video be shown, so the public humiliation was part of her court strategy. The judges could have blurred out the parts that offended my dignity, so the act was calculated. I objected to the public showing of the video but the judge showed it anyway at the insistence of the prosecutor. This clearly demonstrates that the trial was rigged against me a priori.


*** Article 10 (UNDHR): Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

In 2023 I filed a total of five appeals before tribunals in Sweden and none were properly reviewed. Three appeals concerned internment at the Migrationsverket detention facility at Åstorp, Skåne. The appeals against detention are not filed with the court but with the Border Police who then supposedly forward the appellation to the Migration appeals court if they do not agree to grant release. The problem is that in forwarding the appeals to the Migration appeals court; the Swedish Border Police redact the appellation text and only submit to the court a hacked and botched summary of the appeals. So the migration appeals court in reality never gets to review the substance of inmate appeals as they formulate it in their own words. This fraudulent appeals system is the reason why I was forced to endure six months of detention in a situation where I was in constant fear of a homophobic assault and why so many are refouled without recourse. Neither Migrationsverket nor the Swedish Border Police guarantee the physical safety of LGBTQi+ inmates while they are held hostage in the archipelago of detention centers operated by Migrationsverket. Asylum and detention appeals tribunals in Sweden are not independent or impartial forums (as they used to be up to about 2021), but rather entities engaged in the administration of rubber stamps on behalf of the Border Police and Migrationsverket.


*** Article 11 (UNDHR): (1) Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense. (2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offense on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offense, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offense was committed.

I was subjected to degrading treatment in the context of proceedings related to being investigated on suspicion of a minor crime in Malmö, Sweden in 2023. I was detained in a prison environment, and not a pre-trial detention facility, before being tried; in gross violation of the right to to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and the prohibition of unlawful deprivation of liberty. The prosecutor and police engaged in this arbitrary behavior citing an alleged “flight risk” possibility that they did not back with any type of evidence. The panel that heard my appeal on detention was a panel of local Politicians and the prosecutor, not an impartial legal tribunal. I was not given all the guarantees necessary for an aggressive defense in that context, since my objections to the arbitrariness of the proceeding were dismissed by the prosecutor as “irrelevant information”. That forum was clearly an illegitimate political rubberstamp proceeding lacking any type of judicial credibility. I was transported to and from the remand prison at Ystad in shackles as if I had been a terror or violent murder suspect. This overreach was clearly intended and calculated to be cruel and humiliating. A minor offense does not merit such degrading treatment.

Collusion between Sweden and the United States in defamation and libel against me on Interpol

I reproduce below the texts of the criminal complaints I filed with Swedish Police against Sweden INTERPOL, United States Homeland Security,and Swedish Border Police for collusion in aggravated defamation and libel against me with the intention of deliberate re-foulement.

In Sweden, complaints against Police are filed with Police (!!!). So; of course, the Police ruled it would not investigate the matter. No surprise there. There is no independent mechanism for private persons or migrants to report abuses by Police in Sweden. If you complain about Police abuse in Sweden;  the Police simply refuse to investigate and exonerate themselves. Even if you have evidence. This is specially true if the person complaining of abuses is a migrant. 

My bio metric information (fingerprints) are being associated to an incorrect name and birthday in order to make these fit to  criminal activity allegations concerning people with similar names. 

mån 20 feb. 2023 • 11:35
Från: jaimevarela@***.com
Till Registrator <registrator@brottsoffermyndigheten.se>
Cc: Fraga <fraga@boj.se>,
Registrator Bergslagen <registrator.bergslagen@polisen.se>

Complaint against collusion in aggravated defamation against my person by Swedish Border Police and Migrationsverket. 

To whom it might concern,

The present missive constitutes a formal complaint of systematic and longstanding collusion in aggravated defamation against my person by Swedish Authorities.

I am a person whose nationality is classified as "unkown" (okänd) by Migrationsverket and whose identity, they claim, "cannot be verified". My position is that I have continuously utilized the name Miguel Angel Torres in Sweden for more than 8 years (2013-2023) and thus that name is established as my own. Migrationsverket refuses to recognize this. I have resided in Sweden and Norway since June 2001. I have never been granted a residence permit (uppehållstillstånd) in either country. Since June 2001 I have applied for asylum in Sweden in 2001, 2006/07, 2012 and 2016. Attempts to apply in Norway in 2005 and 2008 were rejected due to Schengen rules. All applications in Sweden have been rejected at the request of the United States. 

I claim that the name [Andres Nicolas Moran] is my original birth identity. A process is underway with the authorities of a Caribbean country to intermediate in obtaining my birth records on context of an application for political asylum. I am known to the Swedish Border Police under the name "Miguel Angel Toores". I have repeatedly told Migrationsverket that the last name is misspelled (the correct spelling is Torres) but they refuse to correct the mistake.  In the Swedish Migration Board asylum case database: "Miguel Angel Toores" / beteckningsnummer: 12***309. In the current Swedish Border Police case database: "Toores, Miguel Angel" Diarienummer A***.445/2*** // Dossiernummer (Migr): 12***309.


In specific, I want to state what I consider that I have been subjected to a very damaging, longstanding and systematic campaign of violations by Migrationsverket and United States Homeland Security of Chapter 5, Article 1 of the Swedish law against Defamation & Libel and Chapter 4 of the Penal code that addresses violations on privacy; and finally, EU General Data Protection Regulation rules. I only became aware of the gravity and extent of the defamation in February of 2020 when I discussed the results of an INTERPOL inquiry into my identity (the fourth since 2007 by my count) conducted by the Swedish Migration Board, with a case worker at the agencies' office in the city of Örebro in Sweden.

Essence of my complaint: My bio-metric data (fingerprints) have been associated in the INTERPOL system with the full collusion of Migrationsverket and Sweden INTERPOL to a number of very serious and defamatory criminal allegations, without my knowledge, (1) that I allegedly perpetrated an aggravated assault in the United States in 1995, (2) that I allegedly stole 10,000 Euros in France in 1998, (3) that I was allegedly involved in the smuggling of narcotics from the Netherlands to Germany in 2000. These libelous and defamatory claims are presented by INTERPOL and the Swedish Border Police as "facts" in the public files associated with my bio-metric fingerprint data and have been treated as such by other authorities such as The Swedish Border Police. The United States claims they only have to say that they have "hard evidence" to back up the fabricated allegations and that they are not required to show it. The attitude of the United States is that "we don't have to prove anything". This vigilantism is accepted by Swedish Authorities as good coin under the excuse that they "have no reason to doubt the integrity of United States Authorities". In context of trying to determine my identity for purposes of deportation, the Swedish Migration Board has shared confidential information about my asylum applications with INTERPOL (which is controlled by the United States) and Germany, thus violating my right to confidentiality and asylum secrecy insofar as they have involved in my asylum case state actors that have no jurisdiction or reason to be involved in it. I applied for asylum and protection in Sweden, not The United States or Germany. 

In the Swedish Migration Board website it states that: "The transfer of personal data takes place in accordance with personal data or confidentiality legislation." This has been interpreted in my case to ignore UN rules guaranteeing my right to secrecy. I want to state a formal complaint that this rule has been systematically violated by the Swedish Border Police and Swedish Migration Board against my person, at least since 2007. The assessment of my character by Swedish Border Police and Swedish Migration Board (that I am a "con-man", "self important", "a fugitive criminal", "a rat", ad nauseam) is not objective, pejorative, malicious and abusive and compounds the gravity of their collusion in systematic defamation and abuses against my person for the last 16 years, which quite frankly constitutes a vendetta. INTERPOL HAS NO CREDIBILITY when it comes to disseminating information about my person or information associated with my bio-metric data. I have never been prosecuted for these these alleged offences before any court. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ME PERPETRATING ANY OF THOSE CRIMES. There is no video or photographic evidence showing me assaulting anyone in 1995 in the United States. Those allegations are based on hearsay and lies, probably motivated by an attempt to extort money from me. 

In 2007 there took place an extradition proceeding at the court in Karlstad, Sweden regarding allegations of "credit card fraud" (sic.) and other charges in the United States; but nothing could be proven and the request for extradition was denied. According to my attorney at the time, after being rebuffed; the United States Marshalls Service declared that I was not allowed entry in the United States for life. In reply to arguments by my attorney that conditions of imprisonment in the United States had been denounced by Human Rights organizations as degrading and permissive of torture; as in long periods of solitary confinement; the representative of the United States stated "we do not mollycoddle criminals"; in other words, the United States entitles itself to violate the human rights of incarcerated persons with impunity. While convicted incarcerated persons are legally denied their freedom, their entitlement to Human Rights remains inviolate. This is basic, universal human rights principle is not recognized in practiced by the United States. This fact was recognized by the court in Karlstad, Sweden in September 2007. In context of the aforementioned extradition proceedings; the U.S. State Department lied to the court stating that I "was NOT an American Citizen" (sic.), yet Migrationsverket and the Swedish Border Police insist in listing the United States as one of five countries I am supposed to be potentially deported to (besides Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, and Cuba). 

In 2012 I was told by a Swedish Migration Board case worker while in detention (Förvaret) at their facilities in Flen, Sweden that "all criminal charges had been expunged from my record". In February 2020 I found out not only that I was lied to in 2012 by The Swedish Migration Board, but that the extent of the defamatory vendetta against me on Interpol was far more serious than I could have possibly imagined. I must give credit in that I found out these facts because of the kindness of the Swedish Migration Board case worker in Örebro, Sweden that was assigned my case; who in February 2020 was nice enough to show me the results of the inquiry made to INTERPOL in Washington, D.C. I was aghast when I read it. I did not take action at the time because I feared retaliation. But I am no longer afraid. I have realized that in not acting to complain, I perpetuate the defamation.

Conclusion: (1) I want my bio metric data (fingerprints) immediately disassociated from defamatory and libelous criminal allegations and I want independent third party verifiable evidence that this was done. (2) I want my bio metric data (fingerprints) to be disassociated form contradictory, incoherent and fabricated allegations about my name, birth date and nationality sourced to Swedish and United States INTERPOL. (3) I want positive action taken to repair (as far as possible) the damage that systematic defamation and libel against my person on INTERPOL and elsewhere has caused me.

Thank you for your attention,

[Andres Nicolas Moran]
a.k.a. "Miguel Angel Toores"


For the purposes of Police reporting (if applicable):

"Say what has happened without diminishing your own victimization. Say what you work with or are engaged in if you think that the victimization is related to this. Also tell if you feel unsafe and if you have been victimized before. State if you have any saved information that can be used as evidence, such as a screen dump or a text message."

My statement: Since 2020 I have been subjected to an illegal campaign of systematic and aggravated defamation by Migrationsverket in collusion with Sweden INTERPOL, United States INTERPOL and the United States Homeland Security Department (Chapter 5, Article 1 of the Swedish law against Defamation & Libel). This has caused serious damage to my reputation and credibility as a person before Swedish Authorities and others viewing the libelous lies about alleged crimes I never committed and that have been deliberately associated with my bio-metric information on INTERPOL dossiers. I feel very unsafe. I fear that I might be subjected to refoulement by Swedish Border Police and afterwards subjected to severe abuses by the United States Government (which controls INTERPOL). I want my human rights situation monitored. I have been vilified and demonized without me knowing about it for several years. I was lied to by Swedish Migration Board case workers in Flen, Sweden who told me that all criminal charges against me from the extradition proceeding in 2007 had been expunged. The evidence is in the INTERPOL report returnedin 2020 after The Swedish Migration Board received a reply to their inquiry about my identity for deportation purposes in late 2019/early 2020, no doubt the Swedish Migration Board shared with INTERPOL confidential information about my application, thus violating purported secrecy rules and exposing me to refoulement.

Radio Free Migrant (R-FM) No. 1

In this R-FM mini-podcast we discuss the recent press release by the Swedish Justice Ministry about the net emigration trend on 2023-2024.



Sweden government / Justice Ministry


More emigrants than immigrate to Sweden for the first time in over 50 years >>>

(Asylum approvals declined by 16% in 2024 compared to 2023.)

***Write-up published on the government website on August 8, 2024.

"Last year's trend of a reduced number of asylum seekers to Sweden and a reduced number of granted residence permits continues. According to the Migration Agency's forecast, Sweden looks set to receive the lowest number of asylum seekers since 1997, and for the first time in over 50 years, Sweden has net emigration."


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