Evidence that United States Interpol LIED about my identity in 2020, 2023.

There is a concerted effort to associate my biomeric information with that of a person in Venezuela who has a similar name but a different birth date and who has never been issued a Venezuelan passport and has never traveled out of  that country. 

My birth name is Andres Nicolas Moran, not "Andres Nicolas Moron Ponce" and I was born in Florida in March 1975, not at Venezuela in "1973".

I can safely and publicly state these facts because I am now safe from the possibility of refoulment.


About Fabricated Allegations connecting Me to Venezuela or Mexico.

Good Afternoon,

Background: On the 30th of June 2023 I sent a statement by email to Migrationsverket at Åstorp and copied it to my attorney titled "Beteckningsnummer: 1******9 / The Reason I will not meet with or talk with Border Police". On July 26th I sent a statement by email to Migrationsverket at Åstorp and copied to my attorney titled "July 31, 2023 Statement". The present is a follow up to the previously cited and includes my detailed reply to claims that I am allegedly from "Venezuela" or "Mexico". I want the following statement to be added to the record (beteckningsnummer: 1******9). IN VERBATIM. IN ENGLISH. An English copy and a translation into Spanish have been forwarded to the Justice Ministry of the Republic of Cuba.

Information about my identity sourced to United States Interpol in 2023 is not accurate. (1) I have been subjected to a systematic and longstanding campaign of libel and defamation conducted against me on the Interpol system since 2007 with full collusion of Swedish Interpol and migrationsverket (in violation of the Swedish law against defamation). (2) The Swedish Border Police take false allegations about my identity made in context of Interpol (recycled by Customs and Border Protection), as "factual"  without demanding to see concrete evidence to back up the allegations.
Under the circumstances, only a State of Florida issued certificate of birth could be construed as concrete and incontrovertible evidence of my identity.

Information about me in United States Interpol reports from 2020 and 2023 is contradictory and incoherent. My bio metric information is apparently being linked to a number of different persons with similar names. 

(Source: Report from United States INTERPOL, Ref: 20120621589/DHE Subject: IP-2020-008406).  

*** In case the Interpol records related to inquiries into my identity made since 2016 by Swedish Interpol have been redacted or altered in any way; I have taken screenshots of all these documents as they stood on February 2023 and had copies forwarded to The Cuban Justice Ministry. Cuba Interpol also has them.

*It is a fact that I resided in Florida from my birth there in March 1975 until I moved to Pennsylvania in October 1997 under the name Andres Nicolas Moran. 

The allegation from United States Interpol in 2020/23 that my name is allegedly  "Andres Nicolas Moron Ponce" and/or "Moron Ponce, Andres Nicolas" is a long standing recycled LIE that has been dismissed as having no basis in evidence at least in two occasions in Sweden: (a) In 2007 the allegation was made by the United States in context of an extradition proceeding before a court in Karlstad, Sweden. The court dismissed the allegation made by United States about my identity for lack of evidence. The court in Karlstad also denied the extradition request citing lack of evidence (video, photographic) about the criminal allegations made, credible danger of being subjected to re-foulement, as well as expiration of statue of limitations provisions. (2) In 2012 the Swedish Rikskriminalpolisen made an investigation into my identity based on bio metric data (fingerprints) collected from me using forensic methods specially for this purpose. The conclusion was that the nationality of "Moron Ponce, Andres Nicolas" born on "March 27, 1975" was "unknown". ***(See attached screenshot file to view the investigation conclusion). Nothing was found by the Rikskriminalpolisen associating the said name or my bio metrics to "1973".

Only the United States claims that my name is "Andres Nicolas Moron Ponce" and/or "Moron Ponce, Andres Nicolas" allegedly born in "1973" in "Venezuela". MY LAST NAME IS MORAN NOT "MORON PONCE" . The association between my bio metric information and innacurate identity data on their databases since 2007 has no basis in evidence.

The persistent effort by United States and Swedish Interpol to force the Venezuelans between 2016 and 2022 to produce an association of my bio metric data to the information they and the United States Interpol want it associated with was unsuccessful (see Venezuela Interpol reports above) . Now that the effort to associate me with Venezuela failed, they are trying to artificially associate me with Mexico, again without one shred of concrete evidence. 


Thank you.


Miguel Angel Torres

[Andres Nicolas Moran]