I wrote elsewhere in this weblog that:
En lo que respecta a los derechos políticos y la democracia. Suecia no tiene moral para atacar a Cuba en este asunto, dado que la clase política y el gobierno Suecos se niegan a celebrar un referéndum democrático sobre la adhesión de Suecia a la OTAN, a pesar de que existe un amplio apoyo en la sociedad Sueca a favor del referendum. La perspectiva de los que están en contra del abandono de la neutralidad Sueca y a favor del referéndum sobre la OTAN se ignora o se subestima gravemente en los medios de comunicación en favor de las perspectivas favorables a la OTAN.
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Kommunistiska Partiet Uppsala |
La acusación de que en Cuba no hay democracia carece de fundamento, puesto que Cuba aprobó una nueva Constitución mediante un referéndum democrático en febrero de 2019.
The following is related and relevant, since Sweden is curretly undergoing the process of becoming a United States NATO satellite/satrap:
"Sullivan’s remarks made clear that concerns over the American decline are front and center. He began by noting that shifts in the global economy had left many working Americans behind, a financial crisis had shaken the middle class, the pandemic exposed the fragility of global supply chains, climate change threatened lives and livelihoods and the Russian invasion of Ukraine underscored the risks of over-dependence —a reference to the cutting of energy supplies in Europe. The decline was the result of the unrestrained “free market” agenda promoted by the US, sometimes referred to as the “Washington consensus,” which had weakened its position and that the present moment “demands that we forge a new consensus.” The “new Washington consensus,” he said, would not be “America alone” but in effect an alliance of major powers prepared to accept American domination directed essentially against those that did not, above all China. Sullivan spent some time detailing the decline in American economic power. "America’s industrial base had been hollowed out.” he said."