Swedish Police deliberately misrepresented the criminal complaint I filed against INTERPOL

In order to sabotage my efforts and protect their Interpol and American counterparts and also to stall my case until the records could be sanitized to delete anything that could corroborate my side of it; Swedish Police deliberately misrepresented the facts of the criminal complaint I filed. The Police resorted to the usual tactic of mispelling my name (The Migration Board and Border Police did the same on my asylum applications since 2012). They do this deliberately as a form of psychological harassment and also to trivialize the complaint.  


Re: polisanmälan.
Good morning,

The present missive is to inform you that I have received postal correspondence on March 1, 2023 at the Migrationsverket detention center at Åstorp that my complaint against Migrationsverket, Swedish Border Police, Sweden Interpol in Stockholm, United States Homeland Security Department, and United States Interpol in Washington for aggravated defamation and other irregularities has been noted by PKC-grupp 1 Rgn Bergslagen and is being processed.

I had some questions and was told to call 114 14. I was finally able to speak with someone at the Police yesterday. First of all I pointed out that the name under which the complaint was registered had been misspelled: "AMiguel Angel Toores". I told the person I spoke to at 114 14 that the correct spelling of the first name was "Miguel". The person told me that he would email the department in charge of the complaint about this and that they would contact me. I also gave them my current phone number: 073***2603. I never received the promised feedback. 

I also had questions about whether my complaint was understood correctly. In the postal correspondence from the police it says that "Miguel vill anmäla svenska polisen och USA för tjänstfel". I am not complaining against "Swedish Police" or "The United States" in general, I am, in a very specific manner, complaining against: Migratiosnverket, Swedish Border Police, NCB INTERPOL Stockholm (directly) and NCB INTERPOL Washington, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (indirectly).

The person to whom I spoke said he would communicate my concerns to the department handling my complaint and that they would contact me. This never happened. 

To clarify:

(1) I complained specifically about being subjected to aggravated defamation, to violation of human rights guaranteed in the EU convention and finally violation of my right to secrecy in context of asylum proceedings. Very specifically; I cited Article 48 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU says: "Everyone who has been charged shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law. Respect for the rights of the defense of anyone who has been charged shall be guaranteed". I complained that defamatory and false information was being used as pretext to violate the human rights standard of presumption of innocence, to which I am entitled to.

(2) In my complaint I specifically cited Article 1 of Chapter 5 of the Swedish Penal Code. In it defamation is defined as a person being pointed out as someone being a criminal, or as having a reprehensible way of living or otherwise furnishes information intended to cause exposure to the disrespect of others. Defamation is further defined as the communication of information to a third party that is designed to expose a person to the disrespect of others. It is not necessary to prove that the defamatory statement had any particular effect."

My biometric data (fingerprints) have been associated by INTERPOL actors with full collusion by Swedish Border Police to a number of very serious and defamatory criminal allegations, without my knowledge and without any evidence; (1) that I perpetrated aggravated assult on a child in the United States, (2) that I stole 10,000 Euros in France, (3) that I was involved in the smuggling of narcotics from the Netherlands to Germany in 2000. I have never committed these alleged crimes. I have never been prosecuted or tried for the alleged offences before any court. These defamatory claims are presented by INTERPOL actors and the Swedish Border Police as "facts" in the public files associated with my bio metric fingerprint data and have been regarded as such by other authorities. This is a violation of my right to presumption of innocence. Using the pretext that I am allegedly a "criminal conman"; and in context of trying to determine my identity for purposes of deportation, the NCB INTERPOL Stockholm has shared confidential information about me and my case with actors that have that have no jurisdiction or reason to be involved in my asylum case like Germany, The United States Homeland Security Department and Colombia; thus violating my right to confidentiality as an asylum applicant. All of this was done without my consent. In addition there is a concerted effort to try to forcibly, deliberately and artificially associate my bio-metric information (fingerprints) with names of people in other countries that I am not.

Apparently, Migrationsverket, The Swedish Border Police and Sweden Interpol entitle themselves to associate bio metric information to names and birth-dates without any type of credible evidence processing and without the consent of the subject. The evidence process needs to take into account that Police actors from The United States and Sweden have planted false information on the record and deliberately and arbitrarily associated these inaccuracies with my bio metric information. This fact is demonstrable by looking at the mass of incoherent, inaccurate, contradictory and defamatory information contained in the INTERPOL reports being circulated about in association with my biometric information (fingerprints).

Thank you for your attention,


a.k.a "Miguel Angel Toores"
(Andres Nicolas Moran) 

Migrationsverket beteckningsnummer: 121***09